Enjoying a nice and hot latte to celebrate the completion of my Hogan Personality Assessment certifications. I am excited to offer it to our clients to help them even more…!
Enjoying a nice and hot latte to celebrate the completion of my Hogan Personality Assessment certifications. I am excited to offer it to our clients to help them even more…!
Day Two of the Hogan Assessment certification…! Lets go…
I am pumped up to offer these assessments to my clients to enable them to greater heights. If you need more information, please connect with me via roland@rocs.com.my or call +60123268264. Cheers!
Inline with my continuous learning process, I am currently on a two-day Hogan Assessment certification program (i.e. 11Mac to 12Mac).
Loving it…networking with my peers of the talent management and learning-development industries, learning powerful stuffs in the forms of Hogan Assessments to predict future performance and behaviors!
Here’s to the future…!
My motto for my life’s journey: “Getting better everyday in everything I do!”
My acceptance that each of us are diverse in character, thoughts, emotions and behaviors helps me to enjoy life better.
Beginning each morning with an affirmation helps me set a frame of mind to endeavor to live it better then the day before.