

1. Hold on to my BELIEF that everyone is unique in beliefs, thoughts & behaviours;

2. “Seek first to understand” & intentionally ENGAGE them;

3. Share with them my views & ideas in ways they UNDERSTAND;

4. REMEMBER my relational & engagement specifics for each person according to respective uniqueness; &

5. Repeat Step 1-4 for the next person.

I remind my ‘self’ with my mantra “Don’t be a lazy communicator!” & to be interested-curious about the person that I’m engaging with.


How to be influential with subordinates?

1. Build deep deep RAPPORT;

2. Enhance credible TRUST; &

3. Always INFLUENCE for win-win outcomes!


1. Build Rapport by knowing their career values & communication styles;

2. Guard the Trust you build with “YOUR LIFE” because once broken … ; &

3. Win-Wins happen only when we get what we want by helping them get what they want!


How to stay focus on what we want to achieve?

1. Know the outcome “inside out”;

2. Think of & research for the actions needed & execute diligently;

3. Stay driven by constantly revisiting the “inside-out” outcome & learning from others who had made it or on the same journey;

4. Make adjustments to the actions needed &

5. Once achieved, set a higher outcome to improve self on a continuous and never-ending improvement process


How to stay focus on what we want to achieve?

1. Know the outcome “inside out”;

2. Think of & research for the actions needed & execute diligently;

3. Stay driven by constantly revisiting the “inside-out” outcome & learning from others who had made it or on the same journey;

4. Make adjustments to the actions needed &

5. Once achieved, set a higher outcome to improve self on a continuous and never-ending improvement process.


Learnability Quotient

I’ve just been updated with a new product from Hogan Assessment USA called Learnability Quotient. It represents a new way for users (or learners) to assess their learning styles and receive recommendations for how to develop and engage, while providing validated, data driven insights to our clients (eg HR L&D). Their Link is: I’d strongly recommend it.


less talks, more deeds

Lets do this…do more talk less.

Leaders model for Followers;

Friends show up when A Friend is in need;

Extend a helping hand at the supermarket when someone needs it;

Mediate during business meetings when two ideas conflict;

Listen when the other is tense;

Be patient when resolving issues;

Think how to do it better rather than complaining…

You get the idea…



Many are experiencing career changes now, either voluntarily or otherwise.

For those who were let go, endeavor to look towards your future, adapt and step out of your norm. Focus on what you can do to carve another chapter of your life outside your former vocation. Seriously, all things are possible!

Meanwhile, stay in touch, let me know how you are doing, send me some news, stay focus, stay hungry!