

Here are some of my tweets I’d like to share here…

five senses = full living

be equipped then act

there’s always beauty in the eyes of the beholders

position; never sell

travel abroad widens & expands us holistically




People just don’t listen. They hear us but they don’t listen. I am referring to leaders at work, specifically. Do we that our subordinates are people who like to be recognized for the good work and initiatives they complete. They need encouragements, words of comfort, protection from “attacks”, genuine concern from us and engagement at work!

How do we listen? 3 points: 1st: Focus – Drop everything and listen – observe their body language, tonality and words and their message. 2nd: Acknowledge – Nod our heads at the appropriate timing, take notes, affirm by agreeing words like “yes”, “got you” or “sure”. 3rd: Act! – Action speaks louder! Act on the action plans decided upon quickly & promptly.

Lets make the impossible; i’m possible.



Roland Ong MBA

Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming ITANLP UK  Certified Trainer PSMB MY

Changing Thoughts Changing Lives l Piece by Piece One by One


Welcome to a whole new world in mind works; neuro-linguistic programming.

I’m excited to the brim to reach for the handle to open the faithful door of discovery that will begin your journey to discover more of yourself; specifically how your mind works, how you can manage your thoughts and put yourself in a resourceful state to go from your present state of being to your personal desired outcomes…your personal wellbeing and professional growth.

NLP is not for everyone, and that is okay…because it is for some who are passionate enough to want to know how we think which makes us feel which drives our actions.

However, I extend my hand of invitation to you and your loved ones, colleagues or friends to visit us at or contact us at to discover more to satisfy your curiosity that inevitably may, or will lead you to your destination. That’s right!

Available Programs

Certification of Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming 

Jumpstarting your journey in the discovery of mind works by learning, applying and being certified as a nlp practitioner!

Certification of Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming 

Continuing further in your journey to higher plains of mind works by discoveries at deeper depths as a nlp master practitioner!

The Fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Learn the intimate truth about it, what it is, why it is good and how to use it

Leadership Effectiveness with Neuro-Linguistic Programming 

Learn how to apply its techniques & processes to boost your leadership effectiveness

Leadership Skills for Managers Lead People, Not Manage!

Leadership Skills for Managers Lead People, Not Manage!

Based on neuro-linguistic programming framework and specific techniques for bringing out the best in you and your followers!



People need to be lead, not managed! Most leaders who get this lead their people via coaching, facilitating and nourishing their followers to highest capabilities and productivity. Our program teaches leaders to do just that; how to lead and not manage. We focus on building leaders into having strong abilities and interest to manage themselves and others effortlessly.

Our syllables are based on our own journey as leaders. We’ll present our teaching points through our experiences that make better sense to the learners. We’ll demonstrate to the learners how we apply the techniques and let them practice multiple times until they all get it right. We will constantly assess their learning assimilation and abilities to perform the techniques being taught throughout the duration of the program. We aim to stretch them to competency areas that they seldom exercise or are not aware of! They may discover their personal deep rooted barriers to

performing the skills taught and overcome them with our guidance and prompting. We are focused on ensuring each learner goes out a changed individual with enhanced mindsets and observable behaviours. Seriously!


Program Modules

Module 1: Leader’s Communication Styles

Module 2: Leader’s Relationship Builders

Module 3: Leader’s Coaching Toolkit

Module 4: Leader’s Action Plans



Relevant assessments

Multiple ability-stretching practice sessions

Adult learning activities

Group discovery discussions

Individual view presentations



Participants will receive our certificates only when they pass our demonstration assessments and observations.



9.00 am to 5.00 am



On-Line Only


Program Leader

Roland Ong has 18 years of experience in leading people and 12 years in consulting, coaching and training leaders. He presents his teaching points through his experiences that make better sense to the learners. He’ll demonstrate to the learners how he applies the techniques and let

them practice multiple times until they all get it right. He will constantly assess their learning assimilation and abilities to perform the techniques being taught throughout the duration of the program. He stretches them to competency areas that they seldom exercise or are not aware of! They may discover their personal deep rooted barriers to performing the skills taught and overcome them with our guidance and prompting. He ensure each learner goes out a changed individual with enhanced mindsets and observable behaviours. Seriously!

Roland is passionate in building leaders; equipping them with skills and abilities to perfect their calling to be meaningful leaders that build and nurture other leaders. He champions that leaders must first lead themselves well; then lead others – leading from the inside out!

Roland sums his professional mission statement with this statement: “I belief in consistent learning to stay relevant to equip my clients’ human resources to work well and achieve their organizations’ goals!”

Roland works with FrieslandCampina, DutchLady, BASF, KJEngineering, Tohtonku, Pos Ad Group, Zen Computer Systems and Celcom Axiata. He travels to Hong Kong and HCMC Vietnam for work.


What Is NLP?

NLP is used for personal development and for success in business. NLP is the practice of understanding how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do. NLP provides people with a methodology to model outstanding performances achieved by geniuses and leaders in their field.

A key element of NLP is that we form our unique internal mental maps of the world as a product of the way we filter and perceive information absorbed through our five senses from the world around us.

  • Neuro: Each individual has established their own unique mental filtering system for processing the millions of bits of data being absorbed through the senses. Our first mental map of the world is constituted of internal images, sounds, tactile awareness, internal sensations, tastes and smells that form as result of the neurological filtering process. The first mental map is called ‘First Access’ in NLP.
  • Linguistic: We then assign personal meaning to the information being received from the world outside. We form our second mental map by assigning language to the internal images, sounds and feelings, tastes and smells, thus forming everyday conscious awareness. The second mental map is called the Linguistic Map (sometimes known as Linguistic Representation)
  • Programming: The behavioural response that occurs as a result of neurological filtering processes and the subsequent linguistic map.

Want to know how NLP can help you achieve more in life? Leave us a message or contact us for more info.


Refresh, Revitalize, Rebrand

Refresh, Revitalize, Rebrand

Now it’s time to reinvent how the world sees us. Introducing a new identity woven into everything we do. The launch of our new, fully responsive site featuring our new brand is just around the corner! You can look for it to go live around July 1st. Until then, here’s a glimpse of what you can expect.