I observed lately and specifically in my area of work and family, we lack sincerity in our day to day interactions with each other. From an Asian cultural perspective, we may say that it is not polite, not nice or just pure rude to be open, direct or sincere with someone especially when we talk about issues or problems about that someone. Is it? Or is it due to our lack of knowledge and know-how?
I know, and proved that we can still be sincere, open and direct provided we put ourselves in the right state of mind and emotions complemented with the right body postures. The thing is we need to be courageous and tell it as it is objectively with the right body language, tonality of voice and the excellent choices of words.
The right state of mind is not to prejudge him (her), be curious to find out the truth, maintain neutrality, maintain rapport (trust) and be honest to address his(her) behavior(s); not the person. And this point is extremely important!!!
Hopefully, with more sincerity, we connect more rather than just communicate! Try it and see the magic of connection unveils…