
leading self

Leading ourselves well determines whether we lead a fulfilling life or otherwise.

Leading self requires discipline and endurance. Discipline is for us to do what we need to do even when we dislike it. Endurance is for us to stay on course until we harvest the fruits of our ‘labor’.

We all all leaders because we lead our own lives! This is life changing when we become aware of this and take full responsibility for leading our lives to the full.

Meanwhile, lets not focus on inward; ie on I, me and myself. But also outward; ie serving others. We only achieve 50% of our living when focus only on ourselves. We can only attain full living only when we do the full 100% of inward and outward living.

Take a moment to reflect on it and change, one baby step at a time. We all can do it!



Have a meta moment…take a step back or stop to reflect for a moment on what is the purpose of what you are doing or pursuing right now in life? What do you want to achieve? How does it contribute or enhance your living?

Pondering over this important aspect of our living cuts out all unnecessary activities; saves us time; enables focus on things and people that matter; and become more wise in applying our resources to maximize our living.

So, that some time to reflect. Its the least we can do for ourselves…


honest conversations

I learnt and have practice honest conversations with others. I experienced clarity, simplicity and responsiveness through such honest conversations. It keeps me focus on the issues at hand, cut through lots of ‘noises’ and ‘distractions’ that cause confusions and misunderstandings. It works for me at home and at work.

In my perspective, to have an honest conversation is to maintain rapport at all times during the conversation; listen actively by asking probing questions for clarifications; listen meaningfully to the emotional state of the speaker; be patient and don’t judge or prejudice; rephrase if necessary; and conclude with an action plan ie “what’s next?”.

You can try this, can’t you?