
Collaboration with others get us quicker results and easier workloads…

No man is an island. To get greater results, we need to work with people. To lighten our load, we need to share it. To enjoy work life, we need to leverage on others knowledge, skills and abilities.

Collaborating fulfills our innate desire to belong and be appreciated. We are connection beings. We need affirmations and recognition. We feed on strong sense of belonging.

To collaborate effectively:

1. We need to consider our needs and the needs of others simultaneously. Put ourselves in others’ shoes. Understand their situations, their thoughts and intentions.

2. We need to challenge other’s ideas, in the right way. And allow them to challenge ours in the right way too. Then, focus on giving birth to the best idea and execute it with gusto!

Collaborate with gusto, my dear friends. Then, we’d be able to enjoy life to a greater extend!

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