Sometimes we are caught in situations when we are conflicted within. We know we should do this but end up doing otherwise. We may feel guilty afterwards but we may choose to do it again the next time.
Such conflict occurs because we are not aligned within. We are intellectually build whether we know it or not. All of us are endowed with it. Our greatest driving force is our values and beliefs. Such virtues are cultivated in our growing years by our parents and family members and later on our teachers and classmates at school.
Values and beliefs drive our learning, adopting such learnings and translating them into actions (behaviors). Hence, our values and beliefs ultimately drive our actions (behaviors). And our behaviors either enable or detract us from our dreams in life.
Therefore, with our virtuous values and strong beliefs which are aligned with passionate and resolute actions we create a wholesome character and significant identity. And with it all, we can and will eventually reach our dreams for our lives.
So, let us align our actions and behaviors with our values and beliefs. It will smoothen our life’s journey and make it worth to self and others!