motivation & endurance

motivation & endurance

shutterstock_46846564Motivation starts something; but Endurance makes it happen!

Endurance is the mother of all achievements…

Many advice based themselves on motivation or encouragement. They are good. However, they are good in their limited capacity to get us to start something. It may be to reduce weight. Announcing a change at the workplace or home-front. But it is the process of implementing all of these changes that caused people to give up when they face “distractions” of all kinds along the way.

That’s when and where Endurance must show up within us. It enables us. It strengthens us to stay the course; eg to better health, enhance relations, bigger goals or exciting future! Endurance is the ‘software’ for action which is the ‘hardware’. It is a matter of the mind and the heart, which is to me, main ingredients for our personal passions in living life.

Endurance is also a matter of commitment. We need to learn, commit and do the right things to be blessed in life…

So, lets us apply motivation and endurance for a happier and blessed living!


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