Certifying Practitioners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Certifying Practitioners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming


Certification Program Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Message from Roland 

THANK YOU for your interest in being certified as a practitioner of nlp. Welcome to this wonderful world that will change your life and how you reach youRO-PROMO-V3r life dreams.

Introduction Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or in short NLP, is a repertoire of psychological techniques and processes for changing thinking, communicating and behavioural patterns. Founded in the 1970s by Dr John Grinder and Richard Bandler, NLP has been employed extensively in the areas of change work, education, training, coaching, sales, leadership, marketing and therapy. Wherever there is human interaction and growth potential, NLP can be employed sharpen the way you think, communicate and behave in order to achieve your desired state and outcome.

NLP Modelling, NLP Training and NLP Application NLP began its life as a repertoire of techniques for modelling excellence. Then, NLP-based training courses soon became a very  active part of the NLP adventure, followed by NLP application where NLP trained people to    apply their NLP tools for personal and professional benefits.

NLP Modelling is the art of making explicit the set of differences present in someone who is excellent at a given activity compared to someone who is mediocre at the same activity. NLP modelling is by far the highest skill level in NLP. NLP modelling can be used to capture patterns of excellence present in anyone in any context. NLP Modelling = Coding of patterns of genius can be replicated through modelling.

NLP Training When the NLP developers began to share their knowledge, NLP Certifications became available. Thirty years after the NLP inception, modern day NLP training comes in a variety of forms and standards or quality. We at NLPMasters adhere to the core principles of the creators of NLP, governing the ways NLP techniques and processes are employed for results. NLP Training = Training of NLP patterning is classified into three categories of Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer certifications.

NLP Application A NLP Practitioner is a change expert working with individuals, groups or companies. As a technology, NLP has an established track record for instigating fast and efficient change in individuals and groups. Many people study NLP to be more effective in their chosen field. The patterns can be employed across a wide area of applications. NLP Application = Change work, Education, Training, Sales, Leadership, Coaching-Mentoring, Marketing and Therapy.

So what started out as intense curiosity as to how geniuses performed their magic has now grown into an international field of NLP trainers, practitioners and people excelling as a result of applying NLP in their personal and professional lives! 

Summary The Practitioner Certification program covers the essential “building blocks” of NLP. It includes the fundamental mental, linguistic, emotive and physical patterns that make up the core of the technology and philosophy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The skills required to do NLP effectively and ecologically serve as a support for many different kinds of tasks, situations and contexts.

Duration: 8 Days        

Certificate Awarded Upon Successful Completion and Passing the Evaluation Standards A Certified Practitioner of NLP certificate will be issued upon satisfactory completion of 64 hours of learning and obtaining a minimum of a pass in the evaluation thereafter. The terms and conditions for learning hours and evaluation must be adhered to strictly. There are 3 levels of evaluation: full attendance of the 64 hours, a 1.5 hour written exam and a demonstration.

Fee per Participant: RM6,800.00  (Fees are to be paid in full prior commencement of the program and all terms apply)

Why Register? Our program is the result of years of training, coaching and mentoring people at the workplace and at home. It has depth and brimming with practical techniques and experiences. A wide range of templates enables you to start applying the NLP patterns correctly and immediately. These patterns and templates will supplement and complete you as an effective individual professionally and personally. Also, it is evaluated by our participants as one of highly interactive program with lots of example scenarios and sharing!

Delivery Methods Experience our unique delivery methods: Story telling with loads of metaphors for easy learning / High interactions between trainer and participants / Demonstrations and presentation of techniques / Constant assessments and on-the-spot feedback

Who Should Attend?

For Professional Growth For Leaders: Our program focuses on equipping leaders. It is suitable for sales managers, team leaders, business owners, middle to senior management. Our program is most suitable for leaders who has a need to get greater results from their team members; to build meaningful relationships with them, to show them how to see things differently, instilling in them the commitment to grow deep in their capabilities and serve diligently from heart and perform from strength to strength. For Professionals: Our program is also suitable for professionals of all levels who would like to equip themselves with better self management specifically in the areas of thinking, feeling and behaviours and generally for professional growth and fulfilment.

For Aspiring Life Coaches Our program is also for professionals who aspire to be life or business coaches. You will apply the NLP patterns to: engage your clients with strong rapport, trust and influence / master the effective language patterns for maximum results / understand your client’s thought patterns and make changes / plus many more features and benefits…

For Personal Wellbeing Our program is also for individuals who aspire to be personally effective and lead a more fulfilled life. Equipped with the NLP patterns, you’ll apply better communication and relational patterns to enhance your influence and gain better rapport with others. You’ll also apply patterns to lead and manage your “self” better which may include reduced stress levels, clearer thinking processes, remove phobias and painful experiences. 

Objectives and Benefits Aligning mindset for self-awareness and go from the current state to the desired state or outcome / Professional growth and personal wellbeing / Apply the NLP patterns, techniques and processes for continuous growth and effectiveness / Taking personal accountability for professional growth and personal wellbeing / Shift the personal perceptions and renew commitment to roles and responsibilities / Apply fresh new approaches to professional and personal life / Form effective channels to communicate with others at work and at home / Smooths work processes and bonding with fellow staff and subordinates and relations at home / Build closer rapport with others at work and at home / Better bonding and higher level of trust.

Other Benefits: More Things that You Will Learn…The body and mind connection and how your thoughts create your results in life and career / Building rapport by connecting with others at a deep emotional level / Create compelling and positive goals; how to get to what you want / Manage your emotions; ie be relaxed, confident, happy, and passionate, or feel any emotion desired. Learn to be at your peak performance state at all times / Conversational mastery and how to induce powerful & empowering states in others via your conversational abilities / Practice Milton hypnotic language patterns with volition to achieve win-win outcomes / Understand how individuals, such as your family clients, customers, and employees process information and how they structure their thoughts and change their life because you address them at the deepest level / Overcome and manage unproductive emotions; eg anger, fear, doubt, guilt, regrets and frustration, and become calmer and relaxed to enjoy life to the fullest! 

Program Content

Module One: Fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Origin and definition

Conscious and unconscious mind


Communication model

Perceptual positions


Chain of excellence

Well formed outcomes

Present and desired states


Module Two: Representational Systems and Rapport

Sensory acuity

Sensory experience and hallucination

Eye patterns

Eye accessing questions

Representational systems

Predicates and phrases

Translating representational systems


Module Three: Submodalities

Internal representations and submodalities

Mapping across

Submodality belief change

Running our own brains

Swish pattern

Module Four: Anchoring

Four-step anchoring

Five keys to anchoring

Application of anchors

Collapsing anchors

Change personal history

Chaining anchors

Building powerful resource anchors

Module Five: NLP Language Patterns

First access transformation to language

Presuppositions and metaphors

Meta model

Milton model

Hierarchy of chunking

Module Six: Reframing and Logical Levels

Logical levels

Perceptual position reframes


Six step reframes

Parts integration

Visual squash

Module Seven: Strategies

Theory and types of strategies

TOTE model of strategies

Well formed conditions for strategies

Installing and changing strategies

Representational systems and strategies

Motivation strategies

Learning strategies

Spelling strategies

Strategy elicitation

Module Eight: NLP Patterns

Reimprinting / New behaviour generator

Fast phobia / Hypnosis


Profile : Roland Ong Roland passionately believes in every individual has the ability to change and reach his or her ultimate potential. They just need the ability to create more choices for themselves in any given personal and professional situations. He coaches and trains business leaders, work teams and individuals by skillfully engaging, pacing and leading them to create more choices. Roland’s expertise spans 13 years, evolving with careful nurturing and constant updating. He has exposures in the fields of business and personal development. He was with a financial group for 18 years and a model business leader in the last 9 years.

He is a Certified Trainer of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), certified and trained by John Grinder (co-creator of Classic and New Code NLP), Carmen Bostic St Clair (co-creator of New Code NLP) and Michael Carroll (the founder of NLP Academy, UK). Roland draws continuously from these mentors. He is actively engage with the network of trainers of the NLP Academy Trainers Training 2011. Qualified to teach NLP and certify practitioners and master practitioners of NLP, Roland is pouring his life into building a competently meaningful NLP community and the next leaders to impact individuals, marketplace, communities and the nation. He runs NLP certification and NLP-based professional and business programs.

Roland’s additional resource is his vibrant network of fellow NLP Trainers from around the world, all aligned and congruent with Roland’s passion to help people and corporations. His network includes Trainers from England, Wales, Scotland, Romania, Poland, Norway, Holland, Colombia, Singapore and Mexico, all of which are from diverse areas of expertise. He constantly stays in touch with most of them to keep up with what’s happening abroad. Roland works with his fellow Trainers in projects in their respective countries.

Roland works with FrieslandCampina Hongkong & Vietnam, Astro, AEON, OCBC, Lafarge, BASF, IBM, iCIMB, Abex Medical Supplies, DHL, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd, Alliance Financial Group, AntahSchindler, Pos Ad Group and Tohtonku.

Roland’s Career Milestones Roland’s highlight would be successfully organizing the very first public program with the Disney Institute, USA in 2008. Partnered with IBBM and Trainworks, Roland successfully organised the “Disney Keys to Excellence Workshop” and “Experience the Business Behind the Magic!” which attracted 300 participants. He was commended by the Disney team as the leader of the organising team who strategised, planned and executed all tasks precisely. During an interview on the event with BERNAMA, Roland credited his team of colleagues who worked unconditionally. He walks the walk!

Roland served in the financial services industry’s banking sector for 18 years. He started at the support staff category and worked up the ranks to the position of Branch Manager. He served as a Branch Manager and Business Unit Head for 9 years where he led a team of 48 employees. Roland and his followers, as a team, were awarded the Model Branch of the Year for 2 consecutive years. At the same time, Roland was awarded the Model Branch Manager of the Year for the 2 consecutive years. The awards was for achieving key result areas of financial profitability, human resource development and productivity, sales and marketing budgets, high compliance of procedures and regulations, credit control and administration excellence!

Roland’s Dedication He dedicates himself to build people from the inside out. He believes everyone can change and flourish in life, fulfilling their potentials. Everyone has seeds of greatness, ready to burst into life!

“Be the change you want to see!” Ghandi


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